Delighted to announce that I have been selected to take part in the Spirit:360 commissioning project. Materials finally delivered and driftwood has been collected so I can really start getting creative, let the construction begin!! Watch this space for more updates to come… #Spirit360 #SpiritOfTheHighlands #Spiorad360 @creativescotland @SpiritoftheHighlands
Spirit:360 is supported by Highland Place Partnership, by the National Lottery through Creative Scotland’s Place Partnership Programme, and is administered by High Life Highland, as part of the Spirit of the Highlands project
Tha Spiorad:360 a’ faighinn taic bho Chom-pàirteachas Àite na Gàidhealtachd, bhon Chrannchur Nàiseanta tro Phrògram Com-pàirteachas Àite Alba Chruthachail, agus tha e air a rianachadh le High Life na Gàidhealtachd, mar phàirt de phròiseact Spiorad na Gàidhealtachd.